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What to Expect When Expecting!

Hi I'm Emily, I'm a mid west girl in my twenties married to my best friend who just so happened to be my high school sweet heart! We both love what we do(for the most part:) I'm a hair stylist and Bry's a wine sales rep! We Love traveling especially down to Florida to my parents condo, it feels like our home away from home, I love crafting, wish I was a talented as my mom but I try, scrap booking, dancing, trying new recipes, shopping, finding good deals, and blogging! I decided to start this blog to document my pregnancy so I don't forget anything form this special time and one day I can look back and read it to my little one!

Bryan and I were high school sweethearts, we've been together for almost 11 years and have been married for four years! I can not believe how fast it has all flown by! On Labor day 2011 we found out I was pregnant and from that point on we knew our lives would change forever and we couldn't have been more excited! Although Estella is our first child we've been parents to our very spoiled four legged fur baby Chloe for the past 5. We didn't know how she would handle being a big sister but she is adjusting well! We sure feel blessed to have our little family of four. Everyday is a new adventure for us now, and some days are pretty crazy but we wouldn't have it any other way!!! I look forward to doing this all over again, but for now we just want to enjoy every moment with our Stelly girl!!!

The Christmas card photo was how we told everyone we were having a girl! We wanted to do something fun and different, so we thought it would be more exciting if we made everyone wait till they got there card in the mail!

1. When and how did you find out you were expecting? I found out on labor day 2011, I would say that was a very fitting day to find out! 2. Where did you get the idea to do the blog? I followed a girls I had met on vacation years ago and from her blog I started reading others. I never new how big the blog world was but you can find one on anything! There are so many mommy blogs out there that have great advice on being pregnant, products they love and anything you want to know about babies! I feel like I've learned more from reading blogs then I did reading the baby books! 3. What made you do the blog? Getting pregnant was a long journey all on it's own and we felt very fortunate it finally happened for us, so I didn't want to forget a thing about this special, exciting time in our lives. Plus I thought it would be cool to one day look back and show it to estella. It was also a great way for our family and friends that don't live around here to be able to see our journey! 4. When did you start the blog in your pregnancy? Not until I was 22 weeks and I'm so bummed now that I didn't start it sooner. 5. What was the best part about doing the blog for you? It's been fun to look back and see how much I changed each week and It will be a good reminder for my next pregnancy to look back and see what happened when 6. What did you find the most interesting or memorable after finishing the blog entirely? The most interesting thing was finding out how many people would look forward to reading it each week! I would put the update on my face book so if people wanted to see it they could. I had so many people I hadn't talked to in forever, even guys tell me they loved reading my blog! 7. What would you do different if you could start all over again? I would have started it as soon as I found out I was pregnant. 8. What are your suggestions to other expecting Mother's who might blog their pregnancy? Start right away so you don't forget anything!!! Maybe wear the same shirt for your weekly pictures so you can really see the change, some shirts with prints make your belly appear smaller or bigger then you really are 9. What was your due date for Estella and when did you actually deliver? Lil miss wanted to be right on time, she was born on her due date May 15th. I guess only 5% of babies actually arrive on there due date. 10. Do you think you will start another blog if you were to have more children? For sure, But I will start it from the very beginning.

Loves: Your #1 love would be being held and being held while your love sitting on my lap rocking on the deck! What in the world am I going to do this winter?? You still love baths, going on walks, sucking on you fingers, standing, your Oball and Elli the elephant. You love loud music anytime you cry daddy turns on Green Day or The Beatles and you stop immediately. You giggle every time I sing but maybe it's because I'm horrible at it! You also love when we play patty cake, itsy bitsy spider, and head shoulder knees and toes!

Eating: Still soy formula usually 4oz sometimes more, sometimes less. You still spit up like crazy poor thing:(

Sleeping: At least 9 hours straight... way to go Girl:) Your not the best napper. You take lots of little cat naps, unless your being held then you will take a good 2 hour nap.

Fun Facts: Bath time makes you so sleepy, you sometimes fall asleep before it's over. You just figured out you have feet and I think we're going to have a hard time keeping socks on you! At your doctor appointment, she couldn't believe how close you are to sitting by yourself, she still thinks your very strong for your age:) You like gabbing, it's the cutest thing and boy would I love to know what your trying to tell me.

Clothes: Your mostly wearing 3 m and 3-6, I just started this week putting you in a few 6 m, but some are still pretty big! Your diapers are size 2

Firsts: You had you first trip to the state fair and loved every second in the baby born! You tried out your exerciser for the first time, it's still big so we have you stand on a pillow and put a blanket behind you. It keeps you busy for maybe 10 min and that's a lot for you! You also had your first and last time to a chiropractor.

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